A few years ago, I began coveting coats like I did shoes and handbags. They became my splurge item, the thing I drooled over, pined for and sought after with all of my credit card might. For years, I laid down my desire for the It bag and instead looked for coats that pack a punch. And I have amassed quite the collection. There’s this sharp peacoat from Joseph Altuzarra, easily the designer who sparked my outerwear frenzy; this Gucci treasure; this fluffy sporty hybrid by Alexandra Wang; this quirky Carven; and a gloriously geometric Prada to name but a few. I added this Dolce & Gabbana to the roster this past January during Last Call at Neiman Marcus. Isn’t it a dream? I find these kind of medium weight coats to be the most versatile. Think about how often you have yearned for just the right topper when it’s too warm for wool or fur yet too chilly for a trench, which is usually too casual and not quite right anyway. Here’s the thing: Invest in the right coats and you will wear them over and over again.
You may think statement coats have limited wearability but it’s quite the opposite. Personally, I treat big, bold prints like neutrals and wear them with whatever floats my boat. Besides, no one is going to notice what you are wearing underneath. You could even wear this shape like a dress. I used the first few buttons and then let it hang open. The dress underneath is from H&M and was only $34.99. The shoes are from Gucci, my other obsession but I already went on and on about that here. The Prada purse is an oldie but a goodie.
I track my outerwear obsession on Pinterest and would love to see your statement coats.
Photos by Ashley of Sed Bona.