Transitional Style

This spring has redefined the concept of high/low dressing: one day you’re clothing yourself for temperatures in the 80s, the next you’re layered up for the 40s. For many of us, it has been one big roller coaster of winterizing…

Sneaker Fever

Sneakers are definitely having a fashion moment. My ratio of sneaker to heel purchases these days is about 4:1. Losing side: heels. As a city dweller, I can’t deny the comfort factor. But there’s more to it than blister-free feet.

Casual Friday

Everyone has a different approach to Casual Friday, which really depends on whether you work in a creative or more buttoned-up field. Working in media my entire career, first in magazines and then at a web company, I’ve always been…

The Uniform

Most of us have a uniform: a go-to look for daily life. Since becoming a mommy, mine has been skinny jeans with ankle boots, a sweatshirt or sweater, jacket or blazer and a roomy tote.

Mixing Prints

When it comes to putting an outfit together, I love mixing prints probably more than anything else. I don’t really follow any rules for doing so such as making sure the color or the scale is the same, or whatever…

The Glam Factor

When the Refined Side asked a group of bloggers including yours truly to each pick a glamourous item from our closets, I immediately thought of these Dolce & Gabbana heels. I saw them online this past fall and was instantly…

Alley Chic

I love the city. I often say the city is one of my great loves: God, my family, the city. It’s one of the essential characters in my life and a crucial part of my story.

Cold Comfort

I have stated on this site that I love winter. And I stand behind that statement. Still, the brutal cold over the past couple of weeks has tested even the strongest amongst us. Thankfully, the sun has been shining even…

Love Always

My husband and I both shop the December/January sales, which means we won’t be exchanging gifts with one another for, well, ever. We don’t really buy each other gifts anymore. I’m happy with a card for Valentine’s Day and some…

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